
Microsoft Power BI: Data Analysis Professional




Kuala Lumpur

3 days

09 - 11 Jan 2024

Shah Alam

3 days

09 - 11 Feb 2024

Petaling Jaya

3 days

09 - 11 March 2024


3 days

09 - 11 April 2024

Microsoft Power BI: Data Analysis Professional

Course Specifications

Download Course Outline

Course Length:

3 days

Course Description


As technology progresses and becomes more interwoven with our businesses and lives, more data is collected about business and personal activities. This era of “big data” has exploded due to the rise of cloud computing, which provides an abundance of computational power and storage, allowing organizations of all sorts to capture and store data. Leveraging that data effectively can provide timely insights and competitive advantage.

The creation of data-backed visualizations is a key way data scientists, or any professional, can explore, analyze, and report insights and trends from data. Microsoft® Power BI® software is designed for this purpose. Power BI was built to connect to a wide range of data sources, and allows users to quickly create visualizations of connected data to gain insights, show trends, and create reports. Power BI’s data connection capabilities and visualization features go far beyond those that can be found in spreadsheets, allowing users to create compelling and interactive worksheets, dashboards, and stories that bring data to life and turn data into thoughtful action.

Course Objectives:

In this course, you will explore and visualize data with Power BI.

You will:

  • Analyze data with self-service BI.
  • Connect to data sources.
  • Perform advanced data modeling and shaping.
  • Visualize data with Power BI.
  • Enhance data analysis.
  • Model data with calculations.
  • Create interactive visualizations.
  • Perform advanced analysis.
  • Publish and share reports and dashboards.
  • Extend access to Power BI.

Target Participant:

This course is designed for professionals in a variety of job roles who are currently using desktop or web-based data-management tools such as Microsoft Excel or SQL Server reporting services to perform numerical or general data analysis. They are responsible for connecting to cloud-based data sources, then shaping and combining data for the purpose of analysis, and are looking for alternative ways to analyze business data, visualize insights, and share those insights with peers across the enterprise. This includes capturing and reporting on data to peers, executives, and clients.


To ensure your success, you should have experience managing data with a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. To meet this prerequisite, you can take any one or more of the following Logical Operations courses:


  • Microsoft® Office Excel® 2016: Basic (Desktop/Office 365™)
  • Microsoft® Office Excel® 2016: Intermediate
  • Using Google G Suite™

Optionally, having experience with other data analytics tools, such as Google Analytics™ or Customer Relationship Management (CRM), as well as an understanding of database design concepts and basic programming constructs such as looping and branching, will help you get even more out of this course. The following courses are helpful but not required:

  • Google Analytics™: Foundation (Second Edition)
  • Database Design: A Modern Approach
  • Microsoft® Office Excel® 2016: Data Analysis with Power Pivot

Course-specific Technical Requirements


For this course, you will need one computer for each participant and one for the instructor. Each computer will need the following minimum hardware configurations: If using virtual machines, it is recommended that you assign two virtual processors to each VM.

  • 2 GHz or faster 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 8 gigabyte (GB) RAM (64-bit)
  • 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
  • CD-ROM drive (if installing any software from a CD-ROM)
  • Keyboard and mouse (or other pointing device)
  • 1,024 x 768 or higher resolution monitor recommended
  • Network cards and cabling for local network access
  • Internet access (contact your local network administrator)
  • Printer (optional) or an installed printer driver
  • Projection system to display the instructor’s computer screen
  • Mobile device to run Power BI mobile app (optional)


  • Microsoft® Windows® 10
  • Microsoft® Office 365™ Enterprise (Trial)Participants will need to be provided with an Office 365 Enterprise trial email address that they can access during the course.
  • Adobe® Acrobat® Reader
  • Power BI ® Desktop
  • Any web browser
  • If necessary, software for viewing the course slides (Instructor machine only)

Course Content

Lesson 1: Analyzing Data with Self-Service BI

  •  Topic A: Data Analysis and Visualization for Business Intelligence
  •  Topic B: Self-Service BI with Microsoft Power BI

Lesson 2: Connecting to Data

  •  Topic A: Create Data Connections
  •  Topic B: Model Data with Relationships
  •  Topic C: Save Power BI Files

Lesson 3: Performing Advanced Data Modeling and Shaping

  •  Topic A: Clean and Transform Data with the Query Editor
  •  Topic B: Shape Data with the Query Editor
  •  Topic C: Combine and Manage Data Rows

Lesson 4: Visualizing Data with Power BI

  •  Topic A: Create Visualizations in Power BI
  •  Topic B: Chart Data in Power BI

Lesson 5: Enhancing Data Analysis

  •  Topic A: Enhance Analysis with Customized Visuals and Pages
  •  Topic B: Enhance Analysis with Tooltips

Lesson 6: Modeling Data with Calculations

  •  Topic A: Create Calculations with Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)
  •  Topic B: Create Calculated Measures and Conditional Columns

Lesson 7: Creating Interactive Visualizations

  •  Topic A: Create and Manage Data Hierarchies
  •  Topic B: Filter and Slice Reports
  •  Topic C: Create Dashboards in Power BI

Lesson 8: Performing Advanced Analysis

  •  Topic A: Create Calculated Tables, Variables, and Parameters
  •  Topic B: Enhance Visuals with Statistical Analysis
  •  Topic C: Review Analysis Services Connection Options

Lesson 9: Publishing and Sharing Reports and Dashboards

  •  Topic A: Publish Reports
  •  Topic B: Share Reports and Dashboards

Lesson 10: Extending Access to Power BI

  •  Topic A: Access Reports Using Power BI Mobile
  •  Topic B: Extend Access with the Power BI API

Course Delivery

The course methodology for face-to-face sessions employs a dynamic blend of interactive lectures, collaborative discussions, and hands-on workshops. Participants will engage in real-world case studies, practical exercises, and group activities to reinforce theoretical concepts, fostering a rich learning environment that encourages active participation and skill application.

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